Look Around

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stitch Fix!

This article may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase.

Have you ever heard of Stitch Fix before?  It's a subscription service for clothing!!  You can set up your fix whenever you want, it doesn't have to be monthly.  You pay a $20 styling fee and they ship you five items to try out.  You keep what you love and send anything else back in the bag provided within three days.  The $20 styling few goes towards what you keep and there is a discount if you buy your entire Fix!

When you first sign up, you create your style profile.  So, you choose pictures of outfits you like the most, prices your comfortable with, and what types of pieces you would like to see.  I've chosen the moderate price range and am open to receiving any types of items in my shipment.  If you didn't want any dresses though, you could choose that, for example.

I got my fourth Fix yesterday and wanted to share what I got with you!

Stitch Fix Just USA Dark Wash Denim Jacket Mystree Keara Abstract Dot Dress

#1: Just USA Dark Wash Denim Jacket $58

#2: Mystree Keara Abstract Dot Dress $58

Stitch Fix Pomelo Avah Chevron Print Dolman Sleeve Top Bay to Baubles Maybel Stone & Chain Layering Necklace

#3: Pomelo Avah Chevron Print Dolman Sleeve Top $58

#4: Bay to Baubles Maybel Stone & Chain Layering Necklace $38

Stitch Fix Renee C Jennifer Graphic Print Kimono Cardigan

#5: Renee C Jennifer Graphic Print Kimono Cardigan $48

So much fun!  I love the surprise when my box arrives and these are unique pieces that everyone else is not going to have.  One of my first boxes had black and/or white everything.  I recently left a job that required I wear only black and white clothing, so I was totally covered in that department!  On my notes to the stylist I explained that to them and asked for color options.  I haven't gotten any black or whites pieces since!  You can also let them know if you have a special occasion coming up that you need something for.

If you want to see what Stitch Fix is all about, check it out here.

(Disclaimer: this is an affiliate link.)

xoxo Shannon


  1. That seems really cool but what if you hate it all.. do you lose the entire $20?

    1. The $20 can only be used for the current Fix. I have always loved at least one item I've received, usually more! They do a really great job matching items to your style profile. You can even send them links to your style boards on Pinterest!
