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Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday Party Survival Guide

Thanksgiving has passed and now we have all of the Christmas (and Hanukkah) parties ahead of us! I don't know about you, but this year seems even busier than years' past.  If you're trying to stay on track in your fitness journey or working on losing weight, it can definitely make things difficult.  If it's something that's important to you though, there are ways to get through it without all of the extra pounds!

Drink LOTS of water!  Did you know you're supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day (if you weighed 120 pounds, that's 60 ounces of water)?  Are you doing that?!  I also try to drink several ounces before going to a party and stick to it while I'm there.

You usually don't know what temptations will be at these parties and if you are hungry, you are more likely to give in.  Fill yourself up with something healthy before you go!  Plan your meals strategically.  If I have a party to attend at night, I will eat some egg whites for breakfast instead of my usual shake.  I'll eat a nutritious lunch and then make my shake to have while I'm getting ready and on the way to the party.  When I get there, I'm full and less tempted by all of the sweets!  I will use my best judgement if I want to have a bite to eat.

Want to know my favorite holiday shake recipe?  It's Chocolate Peppermint!  One pack of Chocolate Shakeology, 5 ounces of water, 5 ounces of unsweetened almond milk, a splash of pure peppermint extract, and ice.  Tip: don't use too much peppermint!  Start with a little, I promise!  It's better to have too little than too much.  I blend it all up in my Ninja and I'm ready to go!  If you want it creamier, add more almond milk than water.  OR substitute coffee to make a healthier version of Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha.

Chocolate Peppermint Shakeology Ingredients

You can also offer to bring a dish or snack to the party.  Make it healthy and that way you will know there is something for you!

If you do have some extra sweets or just overeat in general, don't beat yourself up about it.  Just make sure one night doesn't turn into a whole month of cheat days.  Enjoy what you ate and then move on.  Jump right back in to your healthy meal plan and don't give up.

What are some other ways you stay on track with all of the fun that comes with the holidays??

xoxo, Shannon

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